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Interview with Pia - Rhythm Pilates Participant

Lisa Hubbard

Thinking of taking the Rhythm Pilates course?
See what Pia had to say about her experience!

Can you tell us about Rhythm Pilates from a participant’s perspective?

My experience with Rhythm Pilates was great! The atmosphere that Lisa provided was full of knowledge and encouragement. She took the time to go over every detail within the choreographies, and after the workshop, I gained a full new concept to incorporate in my teaching approach.

Why did you decide to take the RP training?

I took the training because I think it will allow me to reach a bigger audience of new client, and also add to my profile as a teacher. I think that music makes everything more fun. The first time a saw a Rhythm Pilates class, I knew immediately that I wanted to add this new modality to my teaching approach.

What was your favorite part of the program?

My favorite part of the program was/is having Lisa available as a resource. She is always there to give her support, not only for Rhythm Pilates but also for the entire Pilates community. I’m not a dancer, but Lisa mixed dance, yoga and Pilates in a way that even a person with no dance background can easily understand the movements and the choreography. She made the process enjoyable.

Would you encourage others to take the program?

Absolutely! Rhythm Pilates is a great program because it mixes three movement modalities, making it appeal to a bigger audience. Also, RP is a fantastic addition to your teaching (and it’s fun!) Rhythm Pilates mixes yoga, dance and Pilates in a way that benefits your body, your clients and your class offerings.

Do you currently teach RP? If so, when & where?

I’m not teaching yet, but I do see myself teaching Rhythm Pilates in the Huntington Beach and Seal Beach area in the future.


Pia discovered Pilates about six years ago and became immediately passionate for the Pilates method. It took her five years of working in the corporate business world before she realized that she wanted to help people in different and more meaningful ways. She is currently attending Orange Coast College for her Pilates certification, and is also working on attaining her Rhythm Pilates certification.


Interview with Katherine Slay

Lisa Hubbard

Tell us about a little about your background and how you discovered Pilates.

Up until I was 19 I had invested countless hours into a dancing career. The starving artist lifestyle got old quickly.  Feeling a little lost I attended and completed college and I did what any college graduate is supposed to do: I started working an 8-5 corporate job.  Two years into the rat race I was overweight, uninspired and miserable.  I started practicing Pilates as an anti-depressant and I became hooked.  What started out as a mental and physical rehab turned into a fulfilling career.  Ten years later I’m still drinking the Pilates Koolade.

Where did you receive your Pilates training? 

I am certified through Body Arts and Science (Rael Isacowitz), Power Pilates (Bob Liekens), the Power Pilates Teacher Trainer program (New York, NY).  I am also a certified member of Pilates Method Alliance.  

How long have you been teaching? 

10 years!!  So blessed.

Tell us where you teach.  

I have a handful of private clients that I teach out of their homes.  I also teach at Prana Pilates, Villa Pilates and Yoga, Yoga Works, and sub at Equinox.

What is your favorite Pilates exercise and why?

The Scorpion on the reformer! (photo pictured above)  It’s so cool!  I am still at the point in my own practice that I love living in the advanced work: “bringing the circus back!”  I’ve worked really hard to get there and I’m working hard to keep the advanced material alive in the teachers I am fortunate enough to work with.   

What are some of your hobbies and interests?

I dig blogging, music, books, photography, fashion and decor- anything that inspires me creatively.  I love to travel (I’ve been to 15 countries!), practice yoga, snowboard, and I’m recently addicted to running.  

Who has been one of the most influential persons in your journey of Pilates?  

Bob Liekens (New York).  He’s a true teacher’s teacher.  He is a wealth of information mixed with an approachable, humble personality.  Going though the Power Pilates Teacher Trainer program with him as one of my teacher’s really changed everything for me in the best of ways.  

What is your favorite song/food and drink?

Song?  I’m obsessed with music!  I don’t think I can narrow it down to one song but at the moment I’ve been drowning in a odd mixture of Atoms for Peace, the new Eminem album and Lana del Rey.    

Food/Drink? The skinny margaritas and just about anything on the menu at True Foods!  I love champagne, Maestros and any great steak house, and I’ve been seen at Mother’s Market juice bar on one or two occasions ;)


Katherine teaches a classical approach to Pilates mixed with love and humor to soften the edge.  With over 10 years teaching experience she teaches Pilates, yoga, flexibility/stretch for dancers and specialty workshops to teachers throughout the country. 

She’s a rebel, Pilates teacher/Teacher Trainer, blogger/writer, avid yogi/yoga teacher, dancer, GLAMAZON, Bulldog enthusiast, foodie, anatomy geek, and fashionista.